And we’ve offically started!

Hello all,

After a successful interview a few weeks back, we had about 10 days home in Maine and got ready to jet set again! We arrived in Grenada for the second time on August 31st at about 3 pm. We immediately grabbed a taxi and headed over to Port Louis Marina, where Split Second was docked.  Grenada is a safe spot where many charter boats rest during the hurricane season. This also means that many crews in the charter industry are sharing a dock! As you would suspect, this can lead to many late nights sharing conversation and cocktails!

When we arrived on Split Second, the current crew showed us around a bit and then we headed out to get a bite at the marina bar.  Jon and I were extremely tired considering we left Maine at 2am, but it was great to relax before starting our turnover the following morning.  The current crew had three full days to walk us through everything we may need to know about Split Second.  Last year we didn’t get any type of handover on Pride, so this was much appreciated and extremely helpful!

This morning, the current crew offically stepped off Split Second after three years. Must be quite bittersweet for them.  They are looking to get onto a large monohull after they enjoy some free time.  Jon and I are now alone on our new boat and are ready to offically settle in.  We will be at Port Louis Marina doing projects here and there until Split Second gets hauled out on the 15th.  At that time, we will stay in a local hotel since the boat will be in the yard.  It should be a quick haul out, not too many jobs to be done.  Conveniently, Jon and I will get to spend our 1st anniversary in Grenada in a nice hotel. Not too shabby if you ask me!

Once the haul out is complete and we are back on the dock, Jon and I will close down the boat and head home for about three weeks.  This will be our last trip home before we head out for the winter. We hope to see lots of friends and family during that time!

All the best,

Kait and Jon


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